Fashion ♥
It's been 2 weeks since Fashion in a City's first fashion event at Avalon on the 29th of June was being held. In fact, i'm actually missing it all! But i'm glad i've something else to keep even though this event is over, which is "friendship".
It's been 2 weeks since Fashion in a City's first fashion event at Avalon on the 29th of June was being held. In fact, i'm actually missing it all! But i'm glad i've something else to keep even though this event is over, which is "friendship".
Let's reminisce back into my final journey that eventful day! Shall we?
It started out on an early Saturday morning! Majority of us were pretty zombiefied, especially with our bare faces. Here we are hogging and looking like lost sheeps at MBS early in the morning, munching some breakfast to keep us awake while waiting for the Noel Caleb team to arrive.
Finally inside Avalon! Everyone's busy setting up the place and getting it all ready before show time!
Goodie Bags!!
Here we are at our waiting room, doing our final last rehearsal check with Jamie. Checking our poses and making sure we got our walking choreography right.
Our sleepy bare faces! Right, the vanity in me wouldn't accept going totally bare faced and thus the sunglasses played a really huge part that fateful morning!
After a quick rehearsal to make sure we knew what we were doing, it's lunch time!
A final briefing from Jamie on what's about to happen at night before we head off to get our makeup and hair done and prepare for our full dress rehearsal or rather, tech run.
We were pretty much split into 2 groups, hair and makeup to help speed up the process since there's too many of us! Here are the girls, getting their hair done by freelance hairstylist!
Getting my hair done, before makeup!
GOSH. that bare face.
And, the Cosmoprof Team is here for makeup!
Snapshot with the two bells after getting our hair and makeup done!
Getting the hair touched up, cause it got into a mess during tech/dry run. We had to change fast, i totally couldn't really care that much about the hair then! Well, there wasn't really much time to check on the hair and all when you're gonna be next on the runway again in a couple of minutes. Fast & Furious!
All changed into our first runway outfit and with a little more time to spare, photo time! (:
My favourite little girl, stella!
Never fails to go into a laughing coma whenever i'm with her! HAHA!!
My edgy awesome Jii partner in crime!
The lovely coach, Jamie!
Who got really stress and worried for us the whole time. We had a part to play into driving her insane with our nonstop chattering too.. i think?
My next favorite, Amanda!
The hot chick, which i'm getting pretty obsessed into getting her to smile/laugh!
I totally drive her nuts! =D
Finally, the time has come to put all and everything we've been preparing for the past 3 days into action! I didn't quite feel it until it officially started when you know right outside are where the media and thousands of eyes will be looking right at you.
The Hosts for the night!
There and then, i started to get really nervous. But thanks to the awesome bunch of people, i managed to control those nerves and just enjoy the process. Well, just a single question has been popping in my head with a couple of other images like "what's going to happen if i trip and fall right on my face on stage?" then my mind starts flashing with a couple of many ways of tripping, falling and getting pretty "exposed". YES, it's freaky!
But I managed to get through it all. And i'm really glad.
Designer : Eileen Yap (Noel Caleb)
Designer : Lynda Lye (littleoddforest)
photo credit: Zerika Gan
. JII .
Designer : Gloria Agatha
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
Designer : Pimnutchaya Liptawat
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
Designer : Allynna Chuah
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
Designer : Atelier Fang
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
Designer : Asama Thumkeungsuradej
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
Designer : Liu Chun Ting
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
Designer : Gilda Su
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Zerika Gan
Jacquline who won Miss Popular Fashion in a City Model! (:
photo credit: Zerika Gan
time to let your hair down and partyyyyyyy!!
photo credit: Zerika Gan
photo credit: Lifestyle Asia
photo credit: Chun Ting Liu
This marks the end of my first fashion runway experience and I would like to thank Noel Caleb for this lovely experience, and thanks to this event i have made many really awesome friends who totally spark up my life! With that, it comes to an end of my first fashion runway journey filled with much lovely memories! To the many of you who helped and supported me be it by voting or being present at the event, a VERY BIG THANK YOU!! LOVE YOU GUYS TO BITS!! ♥

Of course, not forgetting my awesome photographer Zerika (who's taking this photo).

P/S: For more photos, check them out on Debra Sumiko Lee.
Till then.
Follow/Like ♥
twitter/instagram: @debsumikolee
FB Page: debrasumikolee
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