Sunday 20 October 2013

The New Cool with ShareKool.


Thanks to Nicole for the invitation to Sharekool's event launch a couple of weeks back held at Mint, Toy Museum! I was looking half dead and reached pretty late for the event after rushing over from a photoshoot that same day. And of course, I attended the event with none other then Zerika! Here are some photos from the event launch!

So that's me and Zerika without filters or any photo edit.
I look pretty messed up and tired with my OMG dark circles! )":

The event started with an introduction into Sharekool and what this app is all about!

And it's time for dinner!

And after dinner.. we are back with a little lucky dip!
Wondering why everyone's holding a white umbrella?

The umbrellas are tagged with colour tags and if your umbrella has a colour tag on it, you win capital land vouchers!! And guess what?
I was one of the winners!
*jumps in joy*

That's me with Zerika and my happily won vouchers!! =)

The End.


What are the benefits of a Sharing Economy?

It allows people in a community to rent items that they do not use frequently, in order to earn extra income. Even allowing renting of "skills" such as photoshopping, or mundane tasks like walking the dog. Lastly... with ShareKool, you can share to earn, collect points for cash, and even enjoy discounts from businesses/merchant tie-ups.

Singapore is ranked number 6 in the Worldwide cost of living index this year (2013), which makes it more expensive to live in compared to New York, London, Frankfurt and Hong Kong according to The Economist.

In Share Economy or collaborative consumption, peers in the community rent or lease out items that are not constantly being used in order to gain extra income. Assets such as cars, room space or digital equipment are some of those commonly shared. Skilled professionals and hobbyists can offer their services to those in need and even mundane tasks such as grocery shopping or walking the dog to attract a nominal fee.

Sharekool is one of the many social groups and organizations like ICarClub, BlockPooling, FlagAHero and many more that have already been promoting Share Economy in Singapore to provide effective platforms to Singaporeans for an alternative way to better working and living.

So what are you waiting for?
Join in the sharing community with Sharekool!

In just 3 easy steps, you can stand a chance to win an iPad Mini in 10 weekly lucky draws!

1) Register for free at
2) Download their free mobile app
3) Share with friends and get them to download

With every 5 sign-ups, you double your chances of winning an iPad mini. And with every 20 sign-ups, you'll earn $10 in cash voucher instantly!

Download Sharekool app NOW!!
All the best! =)

Till then.

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twitter/instagram: @debsumikolee
FB Page: debrasumikolee

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